Kathy's Small Group Discussion Topics

This blog is a place that archives topics and stories used in Yokefellow Prison Ministry sessions in a county jail in rural Pennsylvania. You are welcome to use these ideas in your small group sessions. They would be applicable to use in Christian small groups of most any kind.

Location: williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, October 28, 2005

How's your Foundation?

We had a large group of inmates come down for the session. I asked 4 of the men to offer prayer, asking God to join the group. Then we went around the group, each person giving their first name and saying how they were doing. We sang 4 or 5 songs.

We read Psalm 104. We discussed what the fellows thought the Psalm was about. I suggested it is about God creating and managing the earth. I asked the group to name the largest things they had ever managed or mismanaged. Many replied "My life", or "My family". I pointed out that God is able to manage the whole of creation. That brings some comfort to our worries, doesn't it?

We read the story of Samuel anointing David in 1 Samuel Chapter 16. We discussed what the story says. I suggested the story tells us that God does not necessarily judge in the same way that we do. In this case, Jesse hadn't even called David in from the fields to join the event. Let us draw comfort from the fact that even if our family rejects us, or judges us as weak or undesirable, that God can be looking for something different.


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