Kathy's Small Group Discussion Topics

This blog is a place that archives topics and stories used in Yokefellow Prison Ministry sessions in a county jail in rural Pennsylvania. You are welcome to use these ideas in your small group sessions. They would be applicable to use in Christian small groups of most any kind.

Location: williamsport, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, March 25, 2005

Thursday before Easter 2005

We had a larger than average group of inmates tonight, plenty of new names to learn.

Many of the men had taken communion sometime this week, as part of the Easter holy week. They reported that the experience was a real blessing to them.

We went around the circle and each person gave their name and said how they were doing. We sang Amazing Grace and Rock of Ages. The many voices blended together sounded very good.

One inmate asked a question about salvation - once a person is saved, is it possible to lose their salvation? I first explained that this is a good, but complicated question. Pastors and theologians debate this level of question. It's OK for our group to discuss the question, but for everyone to realize that what we are giving is our individual OPINIONS. Having said that, we went around the group and asked each person what their thoughts on the question were. In the Yokefellow group, a person can always say "PASS" if they would rather not discuss something. We only had one pass on this question. After the group gave their thoughts, I gave my opinion, making sure everyone understood it was my opinion, not certainty. This provided a really good discussion.

I make it clear to the inmates that my husband and I are not pastors. It's OK to encourage and direct a person to ask the prison chaplain or their own pastor a question.

Then we read Psalm 91 - a psalm of protection.

Then we read Exodus Chapter 12 and discussed what Passover is and how it points to Christ as our redeemer.


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